02 May Trixolina
May – July 2019
Trixolina – a brief bio:
Piano and organ lessons from the age of four, in addition to painting.
Study of musicology and theory of drama, film philology, commercial and organisational psychology at the LMU in Munich, MA 1992.
73 different occupations, including:
Dissection assistant at a pathological institute, forklift driver for Siemens, betting office worker at a racecourse, assistant director at the Südbayerischen Städtetheater Landshut (Municipal Theatre in Landshut, South Bavaria), assistant director and screenwriter for various promotional film productions in Augsburg, Munich, Frankfurt, Neu-Brandenburg, Zurich, Dallas and New York.
Head secretary at a private clinic specialising in internal medicine, exhibition curator at the Münchner Kulturreferat (Munich Department of Culture), conceptual work for cultural and advertising agencies, assistance with synchronous screenplays, assistant to conductor George Byrd (rehearsal of musical scores), market trader at Munich’s Viktualienmarkt (fruit and vegetables).
e-mail: trixolina@me.com